May 29, 2024

Diving into “Deadpool”: Screwball Comedy with a Superhero Twist

Diving into “Deadpool”: Screwball Comedy with a Superhero Twist
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Going Hollywood

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What do a foul-mouthed antihero the classic screwball comedies of the 1930s have in common? Join Tony and Brad for a hilarious discussion about Tony's first Marvel film experience, "Deadpool" (2016). While Brad shares his insights on the history of the character, Tony can’t help but gush over Ryan Reynolds' irreverent charms. Listen as they dissect the bold contrast between traditional superhero fare and the whip-smart, dirty humor that makes "Deadpool" stand out.

Marvel Comics’ roller-coaster journey through the 1990s could be an epic tale on its own. From Marvel’s financial woes that led to selling off valuable character rights, to Ryan's dogged determination and some ‘accidental’ leaked footage that turned the tide, with persistence, creativity, and a bit of luck, giving new depth to the Deadpool phenomenon.

You can find transcripts, a link to Tony's website, and a link to Brad's website at


00:00:46.081 --> 00:00:48.609
Hello, I'm film historian Tony Maietta.

00:00:49.301 --> 00:00:52.009
And I'm Brad Shreve, who's just a guy who likes movies.

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We discuss movies and television from Hollywood's golden age.

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We go behind the scenes and share our opinions too.

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And, of course, being the average guy, my opinions are the ones that matter.

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As does your self-delusion.

00:01:05.609 --> 00:01:08.040
Welcome to Going Hollywood.

00:01:09.424 --> 00:01:15.102
Tony, I am going to start with your usual opening and say I am so excited about this episode.

00:01:15.743 --> 00:01:16.465
I'm blackmailed.

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That's stretching it.

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Tony and I agreed that we would each pick a film that the other had not seen.

00:01:23.486 --> 00:01:34.611
So last week Tony chose Baby Face from 1933, a movie I don't think I ever even heard of, and that film was salacious for its time.

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For Tony, this week, I chose Deadpool, which is vulgar, obscene.

00:01:41.868 --> 00:01:46.507
Salacious for its time.

00:01:46.507 --> 00:01:48.986
And people thought Baby Bace was dirty.

00:01:48.986 --> 00:01:50.712
He ain't seen nothing yet.

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Do you want to give a little background about why we're doing this?

00:01:53.861 --> 00:01:57.709
Because I had never seen a Marvel movie.

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So here's how we got to Deadpool.

00:02:00.013 --> 00:02:03.246
Tony was a guest on my other podcast, Queer We Are.

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Sidebar, that's actually how we met.

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and he was talking about the golden age of movies and TV and that they just aren't the same anymore.

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He tries superhero films.

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So I said have you seen a Marvel film?

00:02:13.628 --> 00:02:14.705
And of course he said no.

00:02:14.705 --> 00:02:23.031
So when we gave each other this challenge, I obviously thought he needs to see a Marvel film.

00:02:23.031 --> 00:02:31.770
My expectation was he would see an Avengers film or at least something from the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the MCU, and Tony.

00:02:31.770 --> 00:02:34.987
This may not make a lot of sense to you at first, but I'll explain.

00:02:34.987 --> 00:02:39.031
The Avengers films are all part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

00:02:39.031 --> 00:02:45.050
Deadpool is a Marvel comic, but it was not part of the MCU because it was owned by a different studio.

00:02:45.819 --> 00:02:45.919

00:02:46.040 --> 00:02:58.492
The way we wound up with Deadpool instead of one of the Avengers films or one of the Avengers is because I mentioned that Deadpool is one of my favorite movies and Tony has a thing for Ryan Reynolds, which I get entirely.

00:02:58.492 --> 00:03:05.155
So, Tony, you need to understand that Deadpool is not like any of the Avengers films.

00:03:05.155 --> 00:03:07.823
It is an entirely different animal.

00:03:08.805 --> 00:03:09.506
Well then, what did I just?

00:03:09.506 --> 00:03:11.189
Why did I just watch that?

00:03:11.189 --> 00:03:11.471

00:03:11.471 --> 00:03:12.532
What the no?

00:03:12.532 --> 00:03:14.283
No, okay, a couple of corrections here.

00:03:14.283 --> 00:03:16.931
First of all, I didn't say all movies today are terrible.

00:03:16.931 --> 00:03:18.341
I love many movies today.

00:03:18.341 --> 00:03:25.825
However, I did say that I didn't watch superhero movies because I find them pointless.

00:03:25.825 --> 00:03:28.427
However, is that my second However?

00:03:28.427 --> 00:03:31.770
I will watch a superhero movie if I can see Ryan Reynolds' ass.

00:03:31.770 --> 00:03:47.752
So, yes, I knew about Deadpool and I don't know if I have a thing for Ryan Reynolds, but I certainly don't have a thing for Ryan Reynolds, have a thing for Ryan Reynolds and there's a lot of reasons about we can, we can go into I about Ryan Reynolds.

00:03:47.752 --> 00:03:54.913
So, yeah, I was excited to watch it because I know it's kind of it's different from the Avengers movies, but I'm counting it in my in my assignment.

00:03:55.681 --> 00:04:00.751
And only because I am such a big Deadpool fan, I will accept that Now.

00:04:00.751 --> 00:04:08.609
The other day I knew when Tony had watched this film because I got an email that simply said wow, with four exclamation points.

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Now tony and I have an agreement we do not discuss these movies until we record.

00:04:13.042 --> 00:04:21.624
So I immediately emailed him back and said don't say another word now, because wow can mean so many things.

00:04:21.624 --> 00:04:23.668
I am dying to t know.

00:04:23.668 --> 00:04:26.886
I'm on pins and needles, I'm at the edge of my seat.

00:04:26.886 --> 00:04:31.507
I'm chomping at the bit to know why he said wow.

00:04:31.507 --> 00:04:34.423
For all I know it was Ryan Reynolds' ass.

00:04:35.507 --> 00:04:37.112
Yes, that's what I meant.

00:04:40.404 --> 00:04:43.000
It wasn't really One of the aspects of it.

00:04:43.000 --> 00:04:46.182
One of the aspects of it.

00:04:46.182 --> 00:04:48.485
One of the aspects of it.

00:04:48.485 --> 00:05:08.567
Yeah, and I'm also kind of hyperbolic, so maybe you know four exclamation points was probably, you know, gilding the lily a bit, but I really did mean when I said wow, because it's a wow movie on many levels levels and regardless of what anybody's thoughts of this movie is, nobody can deny that.

00:05:08.588 --> 00:05:19.202
So, as much as I want you to elaborate on the wow part, I'm going to hold us off for just a little bit to give just a tiny bit of history of how this all happened and why Deadpool is not part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

00:05:19.202 --> 00:05:20.586
With the Avengers and the other films.

00:05:20.586 --> 00:05:31.569
Really quickly in the mid-1990s, marvel Comics was really hurting because comic book sales had plummeted and they made some bad business decisions.

00:05:31.569 --> 00:05:47.904
So, in desperation, they sold off their different characters to different studios, and I don't want to get too much into it, but I will say that the Mutants, which includes the X-Men and includes Deadpool, were sold to 20th Century Fox.

00:05:47.904 --> 00:05:55.209
Marvel did offer all the other characters that had not been sold to Universal Studios.

00:05:55.209 --> 00:05:57.264
Universal Studios said no, thank you.

00:05:57.264 --> 00:06:04.007
But because Spider-Man is the most popular Marvel character, we want Spider-Man, but Spider-Man only Wow.

00:06:04.007 --> 00:06:05.345
And Marvel said you know what?

00:06:05.345 --> 00:06:07.062
They are making a lot of money off our characters.

00:06:07.062 --> 00:06:19.461
In fact, Blade was a Marvel film that was one of the few successful before all of this happened and whatever studio made it, Marvel's agreement with them.

00:06:19.461 --> 00:06:21.704
Marvel only made $25,000 on it.

00:06:21.704 --> 00:06:28.521
And a side note, that Ryan starred in Blade 3, which I think was called Blade Trinity.

00:06:28.521 --> 00:06:35.543
He wowed people so much they said we need to give this guy his own superhero film, but it kind of got lost.

00:06:36.124 --> 00:06:37.245
Fast forward to 2000.

00:06:37.245 --> 00:06:52.903
Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick started working on a script for Deadpool, a relatively new Marvel character who first appeared in 1991, and he had a cult following, but they were getting nowhere due to all these studio disputes that I talked about.

00:06:52.903 --> 00:07:01.194
And also, let's face it, Deadpool is a hard story to sell to a studio because it's a comic with foul language and violence.

00:07:01.194 --> 00:07:08.367
Contrary to what people may have heard, Ryan Reynolds was not a Deadpool fan or even a comic book reader.

00:07:08.367 --> 00:07:18.653
I don't know if he even heard of Deadpool, but in a 2004 issue, Deadpool said he looks like Ryan Reynolds crossed with a Sharpay.

00:07:18.653 --> 00:07:28.533
And of course, Ryan learned this, and that's when he started working with Reese and Wernick to fine tune the script and get the movie made.

00:07:28.533 --> 00:07:38.951
So, Ryan started bugging 20th Century Fox to let him play Deadpool and they finally gave him the opportunity and cast him as Deadpool in the 2011 film X-Men Origins.

00:07:39.293 --> 00:07:40.233
Wait a minute, wait a minute.

00:07:40.233 --> 00:07:45.028
Ryan Reynolds played Deadpool in an X-Men movie before this.

00:07:45.028 --> 00:07:46.892
Yes, is that what you mean?

00:07:46.992 --> 00:07:49.208
Yes, he was in X-Men Origins Wolverine.

00:07:49.208 --> 00:07:50.702
It came out in 2011.

00:07:50.702 --> 00:07:51.886
He played Deadpool.

00:07:51.886 --> 00:07:52.747
He did.

00:07:52.747 --> 00:07:57.370
I didn't even know that, yep, but it did not go over well, oh wow.

00:07:57.370 --> 00:08:03.747
The reason it didn't go over well is Deadpool was one of the villains and, for whatever reason, his mouth was sewn shut.

00:08:03.747 --> 00:08:16.240
So you have Ryan Reynolds unable to talk, playing a character who is called the Merc with the Mouth.

00:08:16.240 --> 00:08:20.610
So Deadpool being Deadpool brings us up in the film when Ajax says he's going to sew his mouth shut.

00:08:21.213 --> 00:08:22.017
No, no, I don't remember that reference.

00:08:22.017 --> 00:08:22.360
I didn't know.

00:08:22.360 --> 00:08:24.505
This was like a return to him.

00:08:24.505 --> 00:08:26.029
What a cool idea.

00:08:26.029 --> 00:08:26.531
I love that.

00:08:27.120 --> 00:08:27.500
No, no, no.

00:08:27.500 --> 00:08:36.735
It's not a return, because it's pretty much a different universe, because nobody wants to consider that Deadpool the same as the Deadpool that we know and love, because everybody hated it.

00:08:36.735 --> 00:08:48.445
So what happened in the movie is, as Ajax is about to wheel Wade Wilson in to mutate him, he's tired of Wade Wilson mouthing off and he says I may just sew your mouth shut.

00:08:48.445 --> 00:08:52.653
And Wade's response was ooh, I wouldn't do that.

00:08:52.653 --> 00:09:00.260
In fact, Ryan disliked it so much he went back to the studio and said we have got to reshoot this ending.

00:09:00.260 --> 00:09:02.346
And they said no, we're not going to spend the money.

00:09:11.346 --> 00:09:13.955
And so Ryan basically said well, na-na-boo-boo, I'm going to go to another studio, and that's how we wound up making the Green Lantern.

00:09:13.955 --> 00:09:19.019
But, as I said, he was a villain in this movie, so he was battling Wolverine and Wolverine killed him in the end, or kind of sort of killed him.

00:09:19.380 --> 00:09:21.946
Oh, that's all the Wolverine references.

00:09:21.946 --> 00:09:24.350
Okay, okay, okay, okay, I see what you're saying.

00:09:26.441 --> 00:09:28.259
yes, initially Wolverine did kill him.

00:09:28.259 --> 00:09:38.604
Given that Deadpool doesn't die, they did reshoot a little segment, I guess at the end I don't remember seeing it where Deadpool is seen walking away or something like that.

00:09:38.604 --> 00:09:49.548
Also, the other references to Hugh Jackman are because Ryan and Hugh have this kind of fun frenemies Matt Damon, Jimmy Kimmel, kind of thing going on.

00:09:50.429 --> 00:09:52.594
Yeah, the rivalry thing, yeah, yeah, yeah.

00:09:52.774 --> 00:09:53.414

00:09:53.414 --> 00:09:56.408
Despite all of this, Ryan didn't give up.

00:09:56.408 --> 00:10:00.250
He kept going back to 20th Century Fox and saying we need to make this Deadpool movie.

00:10:00.250 --> 00:10:01.865
He kept getting turned away.

00:10:01.865 --> 00:10:08.804
Fox refused to believe there was an interest or market for this film, so things were pretty frustrating.

00:10:08.804 --> 00:10:11.687
Then something magical happened in 2014.

00:10:11.687 --> 00:10:18.953
Who knows how it happened, but somehow a test footage of Deadpool was leaked into the internet.

00:10:18.953 --> 00:10:22.616
Now Ryan says he doesn't know who in the world would have done that.

00:10:22.616 --> 00:10:28.544
Overnight, Fox was flooded with hate mail, phone calls.

00:10:28.544 --> 00:10:31.908
There was a skywriter, which some people say was probably Ryan.

00:10:31.908 --> 00:10:32.708
Who knows?

00:10:32.708 --> 00:10:37.813
And Ryan says the very next day, Fox said make your damn movie.

00:10:37.813 --> 00:10:41.197
Later we'll get into Deadpool not being a part of the MCU.

00:10:46.818 --> 00:10:47.761
Wow, Now that's an origin story.

00:10:47.761 --> 00:10:49.909
I was not expecting that's great.

00:10:50.179 --> 00:10:51.283
The man is a genius.

00:10:53.889 --> 00:10:54.171
I love.

00:10:54.171 --> 00:10:57.207
That Gives me a whole new respect for this film.

00:10:58.400 --> 00:11:00.427
Tony, I'm stopping our conversation real quick.

00:11:00.607 --> 00:11:03.488
Why we're in the middle of a podcast.

00:11:03.961 --> 00:11:06.480
But this is about the podcast and it's very important.

00:11:06.701 --> 00:11:07.222

00:11:07.683 --> 00:11:08.044

00:11:08.044 --> 00:11:13.889
Whatever app you're listening on, whether it's on the computer or on the phone, reach your finger or your mouse over.

00:11:13.889 --> 00:11:15.575
It usually says follow.

00:11:15.575 --> 00:11:18.065
Some still say subscribe and click that.

00:11:18.065 --> 00:11:20.153
And what's going to happen when they do that, tony?

00:11:20.436 --> 00:11:25.447
They're going to get notified when a new episode is available and they can listen to us again.

00:11:25.447 --> 00:11:27.070
You know I don't want to miss that.

00:11:27.070 --> 00:11:29.880
No, can we get back to the episode that we were recording?

00:11:29.880 --> 00:11:30.803
Of course, please.

00:11:30.943 --> 00:11:31.304
Of course.

00:11:31.424 --> 00:11:32.288
All right, thank you.

00:11:32.288 --> 00:11:36.946
Don't forget to subscribe and follow there you go.

00:11:37.447 --> 00:11:42.823
Now that I've told about how this movie came about, Tony, tell the listener what this film is about.

00:11:44.326 --> 00:12:03.711
Well, basically it's the story of Deadpool, how he became Deadpool, right, it's his origin story of you know, he's a smartass, he's Ryan Reynolds, basically in a Bea Arthur t-shirt, which I just love, and he's having, his life is going along amazingly well and he gets cancer.

00:12:03.711 --> 00:12:10.143
So he's going to leave his girlfriend who he's just met and he's falling in love with and they're about to get married and all that stuff, and doesn't does he?

00:12:10.143 --> 00:12:10.926
Who does exactly?

00:12:10.926 --> 00:12:11.668
Does he meet?

00:12:11.668 --> 00:12:12.801
What does that guy Actually?

00:12:12.801 --> 00:12:18.863
They've been together for a year oh, that was a year later, okay, after they first met, after they first met.

00:12:18.863 --> 00:12:25.494
But the guy he met was some kind of who promised him what to become a superhero.

00:12:25.494 --> 00:12:26.294
Is that correct?

00:12:26.294 --> 00:12:27.465
I think that was muddied to me.

00:12:27.465 --> 00:12:28.725
I didn't quite understand that.

00:12:29.701 --> 00:12:47.760
The guy that shows up that Wade Wilson keeps referring to as a child molester, because he is kind of creepy looking and he went to the place where the mercenaries hang out waiting for jobs I think it's called Sister Mary's.

00:12:47.760 --> 00:12:51.395
So Wade goes over to talk to the guy and apparently his job is to find out people that have cancer or other kinds of terminal illnesses.

00:12:51.395 --> 00:12:52.841
Basically they're desperate for anything.

00:12:52.841 --> 00:12:53.643

00:12:53.643 --> 00:12:56.828
So the guy tells Wade, I know you have terminal cancer.

00:12:56.828 --> 00:12:58.813
And he's like stalker alert.

00:12:58.813 --> 00:13:03.587
And the guy says something like my job is recruitment.

00:13:03.587 --> 00:13:07.815
And then he says the world needs extraordinary soldiers.

00:13:07.815 --> 00:13:13.168
We won't just make you better, we will make you better than better.

00:13:13.168 --> 00:13:14.605
A superhero.

00:13:15.280 --> 00:13:19.038
Now they kind of skim over the extraordinary soldiers part, because that comes important.

00:13:19.038 --> 00:13:19.279

00:13:19.279 --> 00:13:27.381
He does say here a superhero, but I don't think I don't know that Wade is taking him seriously in that sense, literally.

00:13:27.381 --> 00:13:30.467
So wade initially says fuck off.

00:13:30.467 --> 00:13:36.586
But he doesn't want to hurt his girlfriend, now his fiancee, so he rethinks it.

00:13:36.586 --> 00:13:48.803
So wade goes to this lab, which is underground and kind of scary, and what their plan is is to give him chemicals and put him under extreme duress to turn him into a mutant.

00:13:48.803 --> 00:13:56.147
Now, the mutants as far as the X-Men goes, that comes naturally to them and it's part of the natural progression of our future.

00:13:56.147 --> 00:14:03.447
But Wade is being chemically induced to make that happen for him, not evolutionary.

00:14:04.772 --> 00:14:07.446
I see, see, I wasn't clear about that.

00:14:10.279 --> 00:14:21.005
and the villain Ajax at some point says that he is also a result of the experimental lab and not part of a natural progression, like it is with the X-Men or the New Mutants.

00:14:22.811 --> 00:14:23.152
I see.

00:14:23.152 --> 00:14:30.610
So mutants are just like roaming the earth with humans, in this world, in this Marvel-verse.

00:14:31.320 --> 00:14:33.849
Yes, though, in actuality, the mutants are human.

00:14:33.849 --> 00:14:36.148
They just have super abilities, super powers.

00:14:36.148 --> 00:14:51.909
They're mutated, and the reason why this happened is in the early 60s, marvel wanted to come out with a new comic book and they didn't want to do another radioactive spider or gamma rays like the Hulk, because that had been done a million times.

00:14:51.909 --> 00:14:59.043
So they wanted this to be a natural progression in our future, which kind of doesn't make sense, because why would every mutant be different?

00:14:59.043 --> 00:15:01.091
But you know it's a comic book, we'll let them slide.

00:15:01.091 --> 00:15:13.062
Co-creator Jack Kirby later said that they wanted to address tolerance and acceptance, because this is 1963, when you could not, in a comic book, address racism directly.

00:15:13.062 --> 00:15:14.885
So this is their way to do it.

00:15:14.885 --> 00:15:19.484
The mutants, which they didn't call mutants then, are outcasts from society.

00:15:19.484 --> 00:15:20.485
They aren't accepted.

00:15:20.485 --> 00:15:25.707
So there's a public debate and political debates of do we allow these people to roam free?

00:15:25.707 --> 00:15:27.203
Do we control them?

00:15:27.203 --> 00:15:29.510
What do we do Because they're dangerous?

00:15:29.940 --> 00:15:31.384
Ah, I see that's interesting.

00:15:31.384 --> 00:15:33.910
I didn't know that Backstory is fascinating.

00:15:34.681 --> 00:15:35.682
So the experiment works.

00:15:35.682 --> 00:15:59.456
It does cure Wade's cancer, but it also, as far as we know, makes him immortal, because anything that's cut off of him or he stabbed even his heart, I think, was destroyed at one time it grows back, he doesn't die and he also has superhero strength, which most X-Men have, but not all, maybe not most, and unfortunately for him, but fortunately for us he goes insane.

00:15:59.456 --> 00:16:04.812
Oh, if you notice, when the movie starts, wade Wilson does not address the camera.

00:16:04.812 --> 00:16:06.446
He does not talk to us.

00:16:06.446 --> 00:16:08.905
The audience, deadpool does.

00:16:08.905 --> 00:16:12.910
Deadpool in the comics is fully aware he is in a comic book.

00:16:12.910 --> 00:16:15.769
Deadpool in the movie is fully aware he's in a movie.

00:16:15.769 --> 00:16:22.272
So while the other villains and superheroes are acting normally, Deadpool is addressing us quite frequently.

00:16:22.894 --> 00:16:24.880
Yes, well, I got the crazy part.

00:16:25.042 --> 00:16:33.089
And so not only is he crazy enough to address the audience, he also has erratic behavior, and his erratic behavior is so intense.

00:16:33.089 --> 00:16:45.688
There's a villain in one of the books called the Taskmaster, and the Taskmaster is able to determine what a superhero their next move is going to be, so he's very difficult to defeat.

00:16:45.688 --> 00:16:56.287
Deadpool is one that is able to defeat him, because it is impossible for the Taskmaster to figure out what Deadpool's next move is going to be, because even Deadpool doesn't know.

00:16:56.287 --> 00:17:04.640
and who could play this crazy, kooky character better than Ryan Reynolds?

00:17:04.640 --> 00:17:08.165
Because, as you said, this movie is Ryan Reynolds.

00:17:09.909 --> 00:17:11.551
Yes, yes, no, I agree with you.

00:17:11.551 --> 00:17:12.914
I agree with you.

00:17:12.914 --> 00:17:23.541
See, I didn't know all that backstory, which is really interesting because I did have questions about this, because if you're not aware of the Marvelverse and these things that happen, you're like wait a minute.

00:17:23.541 --> 00:17:25.144
So is everybody a mutant who's walking around?

00:17:25.144 --> 00:17:26.127
I don't understand, why are they all?

00:17:26.127 --> 00:17:27.170
So I get that.

00:17:27.170 --> 00:17:28.292
I get that a lot.

00:17:28.292 --> 00:17:35.532
This is what I when you say, and it's it's like so is the taskmaster Ajax?

00:17:35.532 --> 00:17:36.334
No, he's different.

00:17:36.334 --> 00:17:37.943
Is that who the task?

00:17:38.023 --> 00:17:41.663
No, that's somebody else, ajax is a different villain in the comic book.

00:17:42.124 --> 00:17:42.986
A different villain.

00:17:42.986 --> 00:17:44.669
Okay, okay, I see, I see.

00:17:44.669 --> 00:18:08.450
So basically what he's doing is he's becoming, he's trying to get his face back after what Ajax did in the film we're talking about now Trying to get his appearance back from Ajax, because Ajax said he's the only person that can help him get his face back, and so the movie's basically him trying to find Ajax right To have him put back to the way he was before.

00:18:08.960 --> 00:18:10.286
Yeah, the timeline's a little bit confusing.

00:18:10.286 --> 00:18:12.548
I'm not sure exactly, but I think it's two years.

00:18:12.548 --> 00:18:18.028
But for the most part he's on a one to two-year quest to get Ajax and kill him.

00:18:18.028 --> 00:18:25.202
But before he kills him, he needs Ajax to turn him back into looking like Ryan Reynolds who could blame him, needs Ajax to turn him back into looking like Ryan Reynolds who could blame him.

00:18:25.202 --> 00:18:27.544
And ultimately he wants to get back to his true love.

00:18:27.544 --> 00:18:29.705
I'm thinking Victoria, but I know that's not right.

00:18:30.046 --> 00:18:30.707
Vanessa, yes.

00:18:31.267 --> 00:18:38.491
He wants to get back to his true love, vanessa, and he never went back to Vanessa because after the experiment he is so hideously ugly.

00:18:38.491 --> 00:18:40.973
Ryan Reynolds crossed with a Sharpay.

00:18:41.574 --> 00:18:51.730
Well, when he got the experiment here's another question I had too when he got the experiment, he thought he was going to be turned into a superhero, a mutant.

00:18:51.730 --> 00:18:53.847
What did he think was going to happen with this experiment?

00:18:54.660 --> 00:19:00.250
Well, they told him he would have super strength, even said superhero, but for the most part they said better than better.

00:19:00.250 --> 00:19:03.307
But his ultimate goal was really just to cure the cancer.

00:19:03.347 --> 00:19:03.911
Okay, I see.

00:19:03.911 --> 00:19:04.653
Yes, yes, yes.

00:19:04.653 --> 00:19:07.182
He just wanted to live for himself.

00:19:07.182 --> 00:19:08.727
And what their motive was?

00:19:08.787 --> 00:19:20.586
what they wanted was for him to be a slave of some kind to this evil empire yes, they do not tell him until he's strapped down and it's too late for him to do anything that he is going to become a super slave.

00:19:20.586 --> 00:19:24.290
So what they do in this lab is they take people like wade who are desperate and they take them in this lab.

00:19:24.290 --> 00:19:35.527
Is they take people like Wade who are desperate and they take them into this lab and they convert them all into mutants so they can have this mutant superpower slaves to be their army.

00:19:36.789 --> 00:19:41.609
I see, okay, well, you just filled some of the plot holes for me there, because I wasn't really understanding that.

00:19:42.000 --> 00:19:43.545
Now Ajax, the supervillain.

00:19:43.545 --> 00:19:45.691
He is the one that controls the lab.

00:19:45.691 --> 00:19:49.964
He is a weapons dealer and I guess his goal is to.

00:19:49.964 --> 00:19:54.559
Once he has this super army built, he'll sell them to the enemy.

00:19:55.181 --> 00:19:57.867
And he's hot AF too.

00:19:57.867 --> 00:20:01.267
Oh yeah, I mean Jesus.

00:20:02.160 --> 00:20:07.747
Yeah, one of the biggest negatives in this movie is he takes off his shirt, but he's turned away so you can tell he has this hot body.

00:20:07.747 --> 00:20:08.128
I know.

00:20:08.580 --> 00:20:09.625
I was like are you kidding?

00:20:09.625 --> 00:20:13.257
You've got a guy you know he has an incredible body and they don't even show it.

00:20:13.257 --> 00:20:13.700
You know what I mean?

00:20:13.700 --> 00:20:15.125
They don't show Ryan Reynolds that much either.

00:20:15.200 --> 00:20:30.695
There's one ass shot and the shot where he takes his shirt off before he collapses, and that and I was like, really I got more in the Amityville Horror of Ryan than I got that there's actually a fully nude scene, but it's after he's mutated, so you really can't tell.

00:20:31.900 --> 00:20:32.039
Oh yes.

00:20:32.059 --> 00:20:34.867
I saw that, yes, but I agree the whole like the scene in the bedroom.

00:20:34.867 --> 00:20:36.372
He pulls off his shirt, like you said.

00:20:36.372 --> 00:20:38.442
You see this incredible body and you're like, oh my God.

00:20:38.442 --> 00:20:39.924
And then boom, he falls over.

00:20:39.924 --> 00:20:40.425
It's like a second.

00:20:40.445 --> 00:20:41.468
Well, it's amazing to me.

00:20:41.468 --> 00:20:44.353
I mean, he had to get in pretty damn good shape to do this.

00:20:44.452 --> 00:20:45.694
I mean even with all the CGI.

00:20:45.694 --> 00:20:48.780
I mean that's just wow, these stunts.

00:20:48.780 --> 00:20:59.461
You know, the stunts are obviously very, very cartoonish, which is why the violence just seems to kind of go over your head or doesn't seem to.

00:20:59.461 --> 00:21:01.787
You know, this doesn't seem real, it's like a cartoon.

00:21:01.787 --> 00:21:05.574
But wow, some of those physical stunts were pretty amazing.

00:21:05.574 --> 00:21:07.382
I was pretty impressed with him.

00:21:07.382 --> 00:21:08.805
For somebody who started out as a sitcom actor.

00:21:08.805 --> 00:21:12.153
He's got some great action chops.

00:21:12.153 --> 00:21:13.903
Not that that's necessarily.

00:21:13.903 --> 00:21:18.166
One is not interdependent of the other, one doesn't necessarily negate the other.

00:21:18.166 --> 00:21:23.692
But the thing about Ryan Reynolds for me is that I don't know I first met, I first became aware of Ryan Reynolds for me is that I don't know I first met.

00:21:23.692 --> 00:21:25.214
You know I first became aware of Ryan Reynolds.

00:21:25.214 --> 00:21:30.792
Do you remember a show called A Guy, a Girl and a Pizza Place from like the early the late 90s?

00:21:30.792 --> 00:21:33.467
Two Guys, a Girl and a Pizza Place Two Guys, a Girl and a Pizza Place.

00:21:33.467 --> 00:21:34.211
So you do know it.

00:21:34.756 --> 00:21:44.690
They changed the name Two Guys, a Girl because the Pizza Place wasn't.

00:21:44.730 --> 00:21:45.351
Yeah, they was it about.

00:21:45.351 --> 00:21:47.554
But I mean when I saw him I went, this guy is.

00:21:47.554 --> 00:21:53.535
First of all I thought he was gay, but secondly I was like this guy is like so charismatic.

00:21:53.535 --> 00:21:59.445
This guy is a movie star stuck here on the small screen, so I'm not surprised at all what happened to Ryan Reynolds' career.

00:21:59.759 --> 00:22:03.747
You just said you thought Ryan Reynolds was gay and earlier you mentioned the Bea Arthur t-shirt.

00:22:03.747 --> 00:22:05.891
I've got to tell you a Ryan Reynolds story.

00:22:07.113 --> 00:22:09.478
Oh good, it's like a bedtime story.

00:22:09.817 --> 00:22:12.964
Oh, I wish it was a bedtime story with Ryan, but it won't be that far.

00:22:13.988 --> 00:22:14.750
They're all for me.

00:22:14.750 --> 00:22:16.840
They're all bedtime stories with Ryan Go ahead.

00:22:16.861 --> 00:22:20.644
You know, when you live in LA and you're excited about seeing celebs, you get over it pretty fast.

00:22:20.644 --> 00:22:31.306
I mean, it kind of depends on where in LA you live, but I lived in Studio City and Brentwood and even though I never was all that starstruck, I got over really, really quick then because I saw them all the time on a day-to-day basis.

00:22:31.306 --> 00:22:45.272
I mean, when you see somebody like, let's say, Calissa Flockhart, and you're having lunch and somebody goes, wow, she's really fat and she looks so skinny on television which we know that's not true, but you'll say that and then you go back to your lunch and life goes on.

00:22:45.272 --> 00:22:49.336
There have always been very few celebrity sightings that have made me go gaga.

00:22:49.336 --> 00:22:51.845
I will tell you there are two big ones.

00:22:51.845 --> 00:22:54.751
The first big one was the Brady Bunch house.

00:22:54.751 --> 00:23:00.251
As many celebs, as many celebs as I bumped into in the supermarkets and such.

00:23:00.921 --> 00:23:04.048
I lived in Studio City for a while and I went for a walk.

00:23:04.048 --> 00:23:05.601
It was not long after I moved to LA.

00:23:05.601 --> 00:23:09.490
I went for a walk and I'm walking around my neighborhood and I stopped.

00:23:09.490 --> 00:23:10.661
Something made me stop.

00:23:10.661 --> 00:23:11.202
I felt this.

00:23:11.202 --> 00:23:21.769
I had this feeling and I looked over and you know, they put all this lawn ornament crap and a little fence and tried some different shrubs to hide it.

00:23:22.270 --> 00:23:23.413
But, it was clear as day.

00:23:23.413 --> 00:23:26.266
Even went out the window at the peak, it was clear as day.

00:23:26.266 --> 00:23:27.307
It was the Brady Bunch house.

00:23:27.307 --> 00:23:32.368
Being a kid from the Midwest, I can't tell you how much we dreamed of that house.

00:23:32.839 --> 00:23:34.222
Oh, no, I totally get it.

00:23:34.222 --> 00:23:37.330
Yeah, that happened to me when I saw the Happy Days house on Cuanga.

00:23:37.330 --> 00:23:40.663
I was driving, you know, I knew that's there, I've never seen it.

00:23:40.663 --> 00:23:42.746
I just looked and I was like, why does that house look familiar?

00:23:42.746 --> 00:23:46.813
Oh my God, it's the Happy Days house, right by Paramount too.

00:23:46.833 --> 00:23:51.663
It made sense, exactly, I mean you just look over and you're like wait a minute, and you're not even looking for it.

00:23:52.345 --> 00:23:54.230
Yeah, yeah Boy, that's cool.

00:23:54.230 --> 00:23:58.922
The best star sighting I had in Studio City was Roseanne in a pavilion.

00:24:01.103 --> 00:24:06.025
It was right before Thanksgiving Probably the pavilions I used to shop at.

00:24:06.025 --> 00:24:07.765
That's where we used to bump into Because they all stopped.

00:24:07.765 --> 00:24:08.865
I leave in Studio City.

00:24:08.865 --> 00:24:10.506
They all stopped to shop on their way home.

00:24:10.526 --> 00:24:11.467
That was fun, or.

00:24:11.487 --> 00:24:12.126
Trader Joe's.

00:24:12.126 --> 00:24:13.126
Trader Joe's was a big one.

00:24:13.527 --> 00:24:15.307
She had calamine lotion all over her face.

00:24:15.307 --> 00:24:16.548
I don't know.

00:24:16.568 --> 00:24:16.788

00:24:17.028 --> 00:24:17.749
I can't explain.

00:24:17.749 --> 00:24:18.249
I can't explain.

00:24:18.308 --> 00:24:22.151
I thought the Brady Bunch, but we had a Ryan sighting.

00:24:22.151 --> 00:24:30.554
Oh my God, my husband, maurice, and I were on one of our earliest dates and we were in Santa Monica and we were at a stoplight.

00:24:30.554 --> 00:24:35.536
You know where those condos are that run along Ocean Avenue, kind of north of downtown.

00:24:35.796 --> 00:24:37.517
Yeah, yeah, I think I know what you mean.

00:24:37.737 --> 00:24:54.352
So we were at a stoplight and just talking and we both looked over at the same time and we're like, oh my God, right in front of us on the crosswalk was Ryan Reynolds and he was walking this tiny little white frou-frou dog.

00:24:54.352 --> 00:24:59.090
And we both were like, oh my God, Ryan is gay.

00:24:59.090 --> 00:25:02.770
We were so thrilled Ryan is gay.

00:25:02.770 --> 00:25:07.471
Now, granted, not every man with a tiny dog is gay.

00:25:07.940 --> 00:25:09.003
Yeah, but the odds are.

00:25:09.546 --> 00:25:16.109
The odds are and there was a lot of wishful thinking involved, but we were so excited that Ryan Reynolds is gay.

00:25:16.701 --> 00:25:18.069
I love that.

00:25:18.069 --> 00:25:19.420
Oh my God, that's fantastic.

00:25:19.420 --> 00:25:21.468
Was he at least in a swimsuit?

00:25:21.468 --> 00:25:23.041
Please tell me he was in a swimsuit.

00:25:23.521 --> 00:25:27.426
No, it was at night and it was kind of a cold night, so he was fully dressed.

00:25:27.747 --> 00:25:30.590
Unfortunately, In my mind, he'll be in a swimsuit from now on.

00:25:30.711 --> 00:25:34.596
Well, in my mind he will always still be gay, but I was brokenhearted.

00:25:53.210 --> 00:25:56.074
Oh, it was when they were together and it was Alanis's dog.

00:25:56.074 --> 00:26:04.263
But since I will never have the opportunity to have sex with Ryan, he will always be gay in my mind, because it doesn't harm him in any way.

00:26:04.825 --> 00:26:07.730
Oh, he's always been gay in my mind and always will be gay in my mind.

00:26:08.090 --> 00:26:09.692
Absolutely Exactly.

00:26:10.454 --> 00:26:12.786
Sorry, that's just the way it is, folks.

00:26:12.786 --> 00:26:14.411
I love that.

00:26:14.411 --> 00:26:20.292
It's kind of unfair that I watched Deadpool because, first of all, it's got Ryan Reynolds in it.

00:26:20.292 --> 00:26:21.765
Second of all, it's like a.

00:26:21.765 --> 00:26:22.788
You know what it was like?

00:26:22.788 --> 00:26:25.088
To me it was like a screwball comedy in it.

00:26:25.088 --> 00:26:26.173
Second of all, it's like a.

00:26:26.173 --> 00:26:26.836
You know what it was like?

00:26:26.836 --> 00:26:27.680
To me it was like a screwball comedy.

00:26:27.680 --> 00:26:34.691
I mean, it is so bright, the dialogue is so biting and mostly it's mostly him, but they come right back at him.

00:26:34.691 --> 00:26:37.621
Vanessa, the actress who plays Vanessa, comes right back at him with some amazing comebacks.

00:26:37.621 --> 00:26:40.045
They're all very, except for Ajax.

00:26:40.045 --> 00:26:41.346
They're all very sharp.

00:26:41.346 --> 00:26:42.429
They're all very bright.

00:26:42.429 --> 00:26:42.990
It's like a.

00:26:42.990 --> 00:26:45.693
It's like an action movie slash, screwball comedy.

00:26:45.693 --> 00:26:47.556
It's very, very entertaining.

00:26:47.556 --> 00:26:49.880
So well written from the opening titles.

00:26:50.782 --> 00:26:56.101
It's funny and deft and sardonic yeah, just from the opening titles you know you're in for a fun ride.

00:26:56.161 --> 00:26:56.863
It's just, it's so.

00:26:56.863 --> 00:26:58.506
It's so brilliant.

00:26:58.506 --> 00:26:59.788
Do you want to share some?

00:26:59.788 --> 00:27:00.611
Um, wasn't it?

00:27:00.611 --> 00:27:04.144
Didn't they say something about the uh, did they?

00:27:04.144 --> 00:27:07.993
Did they hearken back to his Sexiest man Alive in the opening titles?

00:27:09.020 --> 00:27:15.453
Yeah, well, there's a very violent scene at the beginning of the movie and the opening credits start—that scene is frozen.

00:27:15.453 --> 00:27:20.083
Incredible CGI, because you're zooming around this scene.

00:27:20.083 --> 00:27:21.084
That's frozen there.

00:27:21.084 --> 00:27:27.410
Right, that's frozen there and it says either 20th Century Fox or Marvel, maybe both present.

00:27:27.410 --> 00:27:30.272
And then it says some douchebags film.

00:27:30.292 --> 00:27:31.693
Yeah exactly yeah, yeah, yeah.

00:27:32.114 --> 00:27:34.977
And the next is starring God's Perfect Idiot.

00:27:34.977 --> 00:27:43.769
And as that's on the screen, a copy of the People magazine, man of the Year goes flying by with Ryan on the cover.

00:27:43.652 --> 00:27:45.864
Yeah, yeah, yeah that's so funny.

00:27:46.605 --> 00:27:51.211
Then after that is the credit for his love interest, and I can't think of her name.

00:27:51.211 --> 00:27:53.780
Nobody's name is used in the opening sequence.

00:27:53.780 --> 00:27:56.866
Just what they, what they marina bakaran.

00:27:56.886 --> 00:27:57.367
What's her name?

00:27:57.367 --> 00:27:59.372
Marina bakaran plays.

00:27:59.372 --> 00:27:59.933
Who is she?

00:28:02.785 --> 00:28:03.306
okay, thank you.

00:28:03.306 --> 00:28:06.391
Yeah, but it doesn't say her name, it just says a hot chick.

00:28:06.391 --> 00:28:10.327
And then next we have ed skrein who plays ajax.

00:28:10.327 --> 00:28:17.520
Of course it doesn't say ed skrein, it just says a british villain, because we know the joke in hollywood is they're the villains, are he's british, which there's truth to?

00:28:17.520 --> 00:28:20.407
And it continues on with the rest of the cast the same way.

00:28:20.509 --> 00:28:25.250
And then it gets to the crew, which is all except for the writers is all Except for the writers Not very flattering until Except for the writers.

00:28:27.780 --> 00:28:29.207
Yes, it's all insulting to the crew.

00:28:29.319 --> 00:28:29.701
No, I don't.

00:28:29.701 --> 00:28:36.729
But I remember thinking oh well, the writers wrote this it says written by the real heroes here.

00:28:36.749 --> 00:28:37.190
That's great.

00:28:37.190 --> 00:28:42.162
So right away, you know this is gonna be different.

00:28:42.162 --> 00:28:43.105
Yeah, it's already.

00:28:43.105 --> 00:28:44.146
It's fun, it's insane.

00:28:44.166 --> 00:28:45.699
It's so much like a screwball comedy.

00:28:45.699 --> 00:28:47.364
It's so much like a screwball comedy.

00:28:47.364 --> 00:29:00.386
It's just that you have to give yourself over to this crazy kind of, to this crazy world, to this crazy way of thinking, you know, where the violence is so nonchalant and so so cartoonish, which I don't know.

00:29:00.386 --> 00:29:01.750
Like I said, this is my first.

00:29:01.750 --> 00:29:07.423
This was my first superhero movie besides christopher reeve superman.

00:29:07.423 --> 00:29:10.490
So that's a ways ago, um.

00:29:10.490 --> 00:29:22.542
So I don't know if this is standard in these movies, to have the violence be so over the top, um and and kind of graphic, but yet it doesn't bother you, it didn't bother me.

00:29:22.542 --> 00:29:27.664
I oh yeah, it's like a cartoon, you know, and I think that's kind of the point Exactly.

00:29:29.615 --> 00:29:34.086
The other Marvel Avengers films are less violent, less graphic, less profanity.

00:29:34.086 --> 00:29:37.544
Deadpool is the first R-rated movie.

00:29:37.544 --> 00:29:40.234
Now, it's not the first R-rated Marvel movie altogether.

00:29:40.234 --> 00:29:43.083
I mentioned the Blade trilogy earlier.

00:29:43.083 --> 00:29:56.363
Those are R-rated and there have been some others, but within this whole current batch of Marvel films that are all the Marvel Cinematic Universe, which I said Blade is not, but it is going to be this is the first one that's R.

00:29:56.835 --> 00:30:00.041
Yeah, had to be, had to be my God.

00:30:00.041 --> 00:30:03.669
Yeah, there were a lot of F-bombs throughout the whole thing.

00:30:04.694 --> 00:30:06.440
Oh yeah, a whole lot of F-bombs throughout the whole thing.

00:30:06.440 --> 00:30:07.060
Oh yeah, a whole lot of f-bombs.

00:30:07.060 --> 00:30:11.442
If you know that I love this film, it's probably surprising to hear that I do not like violence in films.

00:30:11.442 --> 00:30:12.326
I find it disturbing.

00:30:12.326 --> 00:30:15.196
I hated private saving, private ryan I.

00:30:15.196 --> 00:30:18.445
I don't like war movies, I just don't like graphic violence.

00:30:18.445 --> 00:30:27.028
But but deadpool, even though it's much more graphic than a looney tunes cartoon cartoon, it's like a Looney Tunes cartoon.

00:30:27.295 --> 00:30:28.882
Yes, yes, yes, yes.

00:30:29.454 --> 00:30:34.994
And as far as profanity goes, I'm glad we're finally starting to reach the stage that people don't do it just to be funny.

00:30:34.994 --> 00:30:36.559
But I still don't like that.

00:30:36.559 --> 00:30:44.887
It's become so overused, and the reason why is if you're hammering a nail and you hit your thumb, jeepers just does not work.

00:30:44.887 --> 00:30:46.657
You've got to yell oh fuck.

00:30:46.657 --> 00:30:53.355
And we need those off-limit words for those moments when it has the greatest impact.

00:30:53.957 --> 00:30:56.080
You do, they lose their impact.

00:30:56.080 --> 00:30:58.566
They use their import.

00:30:58.566 --> 00:31:02.957
When it's every other word Plus, it's just not, it's just, you know, it makes you think.

00:31:02.957 --> 00:31:04.417
Okay, come on, you have an education.

00:31:04.417 --> 00:31:19.769
You can think of another word to use here instead of an explicative explicative, but you know, out of Ryan Reynolds' mouth, because he's so quick, because he's so, I mean because his host persona is so quick and bright and sharp, it didn't bother me that much the use of it.

00:31:19.769 --> 00:31:20.570
But there is a lot of it.

00:31:21.571 --> 00:31:23.232
The use of it, but there is a lot of it.

00:31:23.232 --> 00:31:33.448
You hit it on the head Because, as much as the violence doesn't bother me in this film, the profanity doesn't bother me either, and some of the things he says, because I don't think they're very realistic that person would say it.

00:31:33.448 --> 00:31:40.184
But generally speaking it works, and all because it's Ryan Reynolds and the way this film is written.

00:31:40.184 --> 00:31:41.627
Oh, I agree.

00:31:41.627 --> 00:31:44.160
In most other cases it's lazy writing.

00:31:45.022 --> 00:31:49.143
Yeah, no, absolutely, and the actors are at his level.

00:31:49.143 --> 00:31:53.451
The girl who plays, vanessa, whose name I just went right out of my head after I just told you.

00:31:53.451 --> 00:31:55.403
Marina Barkha Is right there with him.

00:31:55.443 --> 00:32:04.400
She's beautiful too she's gorgeous, is right there with him and that's like it's got this Hepburn-Grant timing.

00:32:04.400 --> 00:32:05.121
You know what I mean.

00:32:05.121 --> 00:32:14.047
Really, I keep coming back to this, but really I'm sitting here and I'm like I'm watching a screwball comedy for action heroes Because that's what screwball comedy was.

00:32:14.047 --> 00:32:15.248
It was about their relationships.

00:32:15.248 --> 00:32:17.409
It was about the verbal interplay.

00:32:17.409 --> 00:32:25.136
It was about coming at each other from different directions with words, because they couldn't show sex, and that's what this reminded me of.

00:32:25.136 --> 00:32:27.944
And he in his relationship with the audience, what's that?

00:32:27.944 --> 00:32:38.567
One time he says I just broke the fourth wall to break a fourth wall, something about breaking two fourth walls or something like that, and I thought that's so ingenious, it's so sharp.

00:32:38.567 --> 00:32:44.051
It reminds me of Veep, where the writing is so dense that you really have to hear it.

00:32:44.051 --> 00:32:48.763
You really have to play it a couple times to really understand what he said, exactly what he's saying.

00:32:48.763 --> 00:32:53.721
And the Hugh Jackman references were hysterically funny.

00:32:53.721 --> 00:32:56.307
Everything about this movie is so smart.

00:32:57.815 --> 00:33:02.608
Oh yes, and what he said was something like I broke a fourth wall with a fourth wall.

00:33:02.608 --> 00:33:03.412
What does that make?

00:33:03.412 --> 00:33:08.326
16 walls and and so many other ways, and first of all, I gotta stop.

00:33:08.326 --> 00:33:11.916
Can you believe, like leslie uggams was in this film?

00:33:12.117 --> 00:33:14.924
I love that she played I thought that was so wonderful.

00:33:14.924 --> 00:33:15.787
I wish she would have sang.

00:33:15.996 --> 00:33:22.943
I was waiting for her to sing, break into song, but she didn't oh my gosh, she is so wonderful and she's so foul-mouthed that she's a cocaine user.

00:33:22.943 --> 00:33:23.806
I think she may even be a dealer wear.

00:33:23.806 --> 00:33:25.250
And she's so foul-mouthed and she's a cocaine user.

00:33:25.250 --> 00:33:26.335
I think she may even be a dealer Wear red.

00:33:26.494 --> 00:33:29.640
She's the one who tells him to wear red right, because he keeps getting blood on his white.

00:33:29.640 --> 00:33:33.021
She's like wear red yeah wear red dumbass.

00:33:34.496 --> 00:33:39.580
Yeah, that's when they meet at the laundromat and he ends up moving in with her and there are a lot of old lady jokes.

00:33:39.580 --> 00:33:46.057
Yeah, she is so wonderful in this film.

00:33:46.057 --> 00:33:49.048
What about the scene where she's trying to convince him to go back to Vanessa and she tells him looks aren't everything.

00:33:49.048 --> 00:33:54.145
And he said you think Ryan Reynolds got this far on his superior acting method?

00:33:55.115 --> 00:33:55.977
Yes, exactly.

00:33:55.977 --> 00:33:59.845
Yes, I know it's so great.

00:33:59.845 --> 00:34:02.394
Well, that's one of the reasons why you love Ryan Reynolds, right?

00:34:02.394 --> 00:34:04.837
Because he's so self-deprecating, he's so in on the joke of everything.

00:34:04.837 --> 00:34:05.198
He's so great.

00:34:05.198 --> 00:34:06.900
Well, that's one of the reasons why you love Ryan Reynolds, right?

00:34:06.900 --> 00:34:08.320
Because he's so self-deprecating, he's so in on the joke of everything.

00:34:08.320 --> 00:34:10.903
He's so charming in that way that you can't help but like him.

00:34:11.905 --> 00:34:13.286
I don't know how anybody could not love him.

00:34:13.286 --> 00:34:22.737
And another reference he makes I mentioned the Green Lantern that was made back in 2011, starring Ryan, and I can't remember if it was a flop.

00:34:22.737 --> 00:34:24.101
If it wasn't a flop, everybody hated it.

00:34:24.101 --> 00:34:24.742
It was a flop.

00:34:25.644 --> 00:34:29.682
So it was, yeah, it was a flop and Ryan especially hated it.

00:34:30.114 --> 00:34:40.204
And if you hear him interviewed, he's so sweet because he's so upset that he feels like he let so many people down with this film Not just the audience, but the cast and the crew, etc.

00:34:40.204 --> 00:34:40.344

00:34:40.344 --> 00:34:45.686
But being who he is, he makes fun of it all the time.

00:34:45.686 --> 00:34:48.099
So I'm going to guess you didn't catch this.

00:34:48.099 --> 00:34:55.286
But another thing that he says as they're about to wheel him into the lab is don't make my super suit green or animated.

00:34:57.655 --> 00:34:58.137
See, I, I.

00:34:58.137 --> 00:34:59.201
You know, I didn't make the connection.

00:34:59.201 --> 00:35:01.480
You're right, I did it, but that's hysterically funny.

00:35:01.480 --> 00:35:02.523
Oh, my see, that's move.

00:35:02.523 --> 00:35:03.465
This movie is so smart.

00:35:03.465 --> 00:35:05.000
You're right, I did it, but that's hysterically funny.

00:35:05.000 --> 00:35:05.882
Oh, my see, that's move.

00:35:05.882 --> 00:35:06.403
This movie's so smart.

00:35:06.403 --> 00:35:07.126
This movie is so smart, you know.

00:35:07.126 --> 00:35:11.601
I hope I hope people like me, who, you know, usually turned off by violence and superhero stuff.

00:35:11.601 --> 00:35:13.469
That's the thing about this movie, is it's.

00:35:13.469 --> 00:35:14.855
It's not that way at all.

00:35:14.855 --> 00:35:19.556
I feel like I cheated a little bit on this assignment because it was such an enjoyable, enjoyable film.

00:35:19.556 --> 00:35:30.525
Now, I don't know, I probably could watch it again just to try to catch some of the things he says, which are so fast and so funny that you maybe need a second viewing, but I don't know if I want to.

00:35:30.525 --> 00:35:34.168
Even though the violence is kind of cartoonish, it's dull, it's a lot to watch.

00:35:34.168 --> 00:35:35.469
There's a lot of violence in it.

00:35:35.829 --> 00:35:45.735
A lot of violence in it, so I don't know if I could do it again going to do it again.

00:35:45.755 --> 00:35:47.664
There is so much, just so much violence and yet I still watch it over and over and over again.

00:35:47.664 --> 00:35:47.985
This and Ant-Man.

00:35:47.985 --> 00:35:57.208
You know I love Deadpool for many reasons, I love Ant-Man for many reasons and I adore Paul Rudd, but again, as far as the violence goes, it is so cartoonish.

00:35:57.208 --> 00:36:02.184
I mean, there's that opening sequence, which is a very, very violent sequence.

00:36:02.184 --> 00:36:16.197
Just people being killed right and left, Deadpool's just slaughtering them, and that guy on the motorcycle I think he's on a motorcycle he flips up in the air and he smashes into a highway sign hanging over the highway.

00:36:16.579 --> 00:36:17.362
He's stuck there.

00:36:18.123 --> 00:36:27.380
So later in the film, as a couple of the X-Men are trying to get Deadpool to become a good guy and join the X-Men, he says nobody's getting hurt.

00:36:27.380 --> 00:36:35.384
And just as he says that this disgusting slop of what used to be a human being falls to, the road.

00:36:35.384 --> 00:36:39.702
And in any other movie it would just be so gross.

00:36:39.702 --> 00:36:46.623
But they're brilliant because it happened so long ago, even though it's the same scene that you've even forgot.

00:36:46.623 --> 00:36:50.608
The guy was up there and it is funny as hell.

00:36:52.481 --> 00:36:59.702
Yeah, it's wonderful, it's incredible, it's brilliant writing, brilliant brilliant writing On the level with any comedy.

00:36:59.702 --> 00:37:00.905
I think it's very funny.

00:37:00.905 --> 00:37:04.465
So I found it incredibly entertaining and fast moving.

00:37:04.465 --> 00:37:06.400
My God, quick.

00:37:06.400 --> 00:37:07.724
I mean not a moment wasted.

00:37:07.724 --> 00:37:09.001
Talk about not a moment wasted.

00:37:09.001 --> 00:37:18.862
You know, we're always talking about how films, you know films, these great comics, these great comedies they don't waste a frame, and that's certainly true of Deadpool.

00:37:18.862 --> 00:37:20.576
I mean, it was like I was like is it over already?

00:37:20.576 --> 00:37:21.056
My God.

00:37:21.056 --> 00:37:22.036
I was like is it over already?

00:37:22.036 --> 00:37:25.858
My God, that was so fast Because not a moment's wasted.

00:37:25.858 --> 00:37:26.960
But here's a question I have for you.

00:37:26.960 --> 00:37:32.503
So if these people are mutants and they can't be killed, how can you kill Ajax?

00:37:33.744 --> 00:37:34.085
No, no, no.

00:37:34.085 --> 00:37:37.547
That's Wade Wilson's or Deadpool's mutation that he is immortal.

00:37:37.547 --> 00:37:38.266
He can't be killed.

00:37:38.306 --> 00:37:42.769
So Ajax is just this really hot strong guy Kind of his number.

00:37:42.769 --> 00:37:43.371
What do you?

00:37:43.391 --> 00:37:47.052
Well, you can have it after I'm done with it.

00:37:47.052 --> 00:37:50.081
But no, Ajax's power is he has no.

00:37:50.121 --> 00:37:50.521

00:37:51.023 --> 00:37:51.364
You're right.

00:37:51.364 --> 00:37:52.487
He has no feelings.

00:37:52.487 --> 00:37:55.559
He's also very strong, but he's not immortal.

00:37:55.559 --> 00:37:58.865
In fact, he even says I wish I had Deadpool's healing abilities.

00:37:58.865 --> 00:38:04.219
Remember, when Deadpool puts that sword through him, he's sitting there comfortably because he doesn't feel pain.

00:38:04.338 --> 00:38:07.061
So why didn't he bleed to death when that sword went through his shoulder?

00:38:07.061 --> 00:38:07.983
Well, I mean Ajax.

00:38:08.724 --> 00:38:12.708
Well, I mean, first of all it went through his shoulder, so it didn't hit any major organs and I don't.

00:38:12.708 --> 00:38:15.331
You know, his shoulder is mostly bone, I think, I don't know.

00:38:15.331 --> 00:38:21.478
But at the same time you also have to realize you're watching a live action cartoon.

00:38:21.478 --> 00:38:27.793
They have to stay within the parameters that they set, but it doesn't necessarily always have to make sense and ultimately this movie doesn't take itself seriously.

00:38:27.793 --> 00:38:29.336
So that is also part of what works.

00:38:29.376 --> 00:38:37.378
No, it doesn't, so I shouldn't try to put I'm putting my rules onto the rules of normal society onto a cartoon universe.

00:38:37.378 --> 00:38:51.786
So he has no feeling, both emotional and physical, so he can't feel pain and he but he can be killed, is what you're saying well at the end, because I was like yeah, he does kill him.

00:38:51.786 --> 00:38:53.016
At the end I was like, well, how could he kill him?

00:38:53.016 --> 00:38:56.235
I thought he was immune, but okay, that's ryan ronald's character's a mutant.

00:38:56.356 --> 00:38:58.947
Okay, I see no, each mutant can be different.

00:38:58.947 --> 00:39:03.079
I mean, there's one that has wings like an angel or, I guess, maybe a pegasus you saw.

00:39:03.079 --> 00:39:05.202
Saw Colossus the big metal guy.

00:39:05.202 --> 00:39:07.447
He's not a robot, he's actually a human being.

00:39:07.447 --> 00:39:07.949
That's incredible.

00:39:07.949 --> 00:39:12.606
No, these kids are born normal kids and they don't change until they're teens.

00:39:12.606 --> 00:39:14.782
And somebody can tell me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure I'm right here.

00:39:14.782 --> 00:39:22.367
When they hit puberty is when their mutation shows up, at least as far as I know most of the time that fire girl.

00:39:22.527 --> 00:39:25.532
she's one of the X-Men as well.

00:39:25.532 --> 00:39:26.653
Yes, there you go.

00:39:26.855 --> 00:39:33.157
Yes, okay, she's Negasonic Teenage Warhead and she is an X-Man.

00:39:33.157 --> 00:39:34.139
You see, they're all different.

00:39:34.139 --> 00:39:40.773
I'm trying to think of his name, the cute guy who played Corny Collins in Hairstyle James Marsden.

00:39:40.773 --> 00:39:43.661
Yes, that's him, and in some of the X-Men movies he plays Cyclops.

00:39:43.661 --> 00:39:46.266
Who's this guy that has lasers shooting out of his?

00:39:46.447 --> 00:39:46.588

00:39:46.755 --> 00:39:48.059
And he can't control them.

00:39:48.059 --> 00:39:51.824
So he has to wear these glasses, otherwise he would destroy everyone and everything.

00:39:51.824 --> 00:39:54.943
So you see, each mutant is a little different.

00:39:54.943 --> 00:39:59.387
So, yeah, it would make more sense, if they're next in our evolution, that they would all be the same like we have been.

00:39:59.387 --> 00:40:02.021
But that's not the way it works in this world.

00:40:02.302 --> 00:40:05.418
Are they random mutations or can they pick their mutation?

00:40:06.460 --> 00:40:07.163
No, they're random.

00:40:07.163 --> 00:40:08.206
They don't know what they're going to have.

00:40:08.206 --> 00:40:17.789
In fact, unlike Deadpool and Ajax, who knew they were going to become mutants, most of the mutants didn't know they were mutants until their mutation started happening.

00:40:17.789 --> 00:40:25.849
So you know like, let's say, a normal kid, until they turn 16 and all of a sudden have this weird mutation and they may look weird or just have superpowers.

00:40:25.849 --> 00:40:30.184
They're outcasts from society, so most of them don't want to be mutants.

00:40:30.184 --> 00:40:31.226
At least in the beginning.

00:40:31.855 --> 00:40:36.007
I don't want to get too much into the mutants and the X-Men because that'd be five shows of its own.

00:40:36.007 --> 00:40:38.543
But not all mutants are good.

00:40:38.543 --> 00:40:40.418
The X-Men are the good guys.

00:40:40.418 --> 00:40:46.476
They want to do good, to become accepted in society, and then there are the mutants that are villains and the good mutants.

00:40:46.476 --> 00:40:52.775
The X-Men live at that school that you saw in the film Xavier School, I think, for Gifted Children.

00:40:52.815 --> 00:40:55.061
There's a lot of rules in these Marvel verses.

00:40:55.061 --> 00:40:56.525
I don't know I can keep up.

00:40:57.835 --> 00:41:02.202
It can be hard to keep up if you try to follow them all, because there are a lot of crisscrossing over.

00:41:02.202 --> 00:41:12.746
Just like I said, when I was a kid, I only liked Spider-Man, but if I wanted to get into all the others and all the networks and everything that's going on amongst all the different Marvel characters, it's a lot.

00:41:12.746 --> 00:41:16.097
I'm not a huge fan of the X-Men.

00:41:16.097 --> 00:41:22.021
I like individual X-Men stories, but as far as the X-Men as a whole, there's just too many of them.

00:41:22.021 --> 00:41:26.284
They're all too different and you start interlacing them with others in the Marvel Universe.

00:41:26.284 --> 00:41:33.449
It's just like my head just spins and it's likely one of the reasons why we're seeing the number of Marvel films not doing as well lately.

00:41:33.469 --> 00:41:36.871
Because there's been talk about, you know, people are sick of superhero movies.

00:41:36.871 --> 00:41:43.938
No, people want good movies and Disney has even admitted we were going for quantity over quality.

00:41:43.938 --> 00:41:44.440
We're slowing it down.

00:41:44.440 --> 00:41:51.083
And the other thing Disney has not outwardly said, but pretty much well, they've almost said it completely is they realize it's become too complicated.

00:41:51.083 --> 00:41:55.302
Granted, those that have been following the Marvel since 2008, they pretty much know what's going on.

00:41:55.302 --> 00:42:02.699
But you get a new kid now who watches if they have everything in a new movie, now tied up with everything from 2008, 2010, 2012, 2012.

00:42:02.699 --> 00:42:03.800
They're like I don't know what's going on.

00:42:03.800 --> 00:42:12.706
So the hardcore comic readers, or at least Marvel followers, movie-wise or otherwise, love it, but your average moviegoer is just overwhelming.

00:42:13.007 --> 00:42:23.481
We're going to say are all the other Marvel films as witty and sharp and with their dialogue, or is this just because it's Ryan Reynolds and it's Deadpool?

00:42:23.481 --> 00:42:24.085
Or is that Deadpool?

00:42:24.085 --> 00:42:25.534
That's the way Deadpool usually is, or is this a part of Ryan Reynolds?

00:42:26.074 --> 00:42:31.880
Deadpool is a different animal in the sense not just that it doesn't entirely fit with the rest of the Marvel Universe, but because of the quality of the film.

00:42:31.880 --> 00:42:34.664
This is a damn good movie, no matter how you look at it.

00:42:34.664 --> 00:42:44.822
You don't have to like aspects of it, you don't have to like violence, you don't have to like the sexual innuendo, but it's hard to deny that this is not a good quality film.

00:42:44.842 --> 00:42:45.463
Yeah, okay.

00:42:45.523 --> 00:42:57.311
As far as the rest of the Marvel films, up till Endgame, which was the big, you know, marvel had all these different characters, their own films, and built up to Endgame, which was the big final movie, there were 21 movies that led up to that, really so.

00:42:57.311 --> 00:42:58.291
Are all of them great?

00:42:58.291 --> 00:42:59.615
Absolutely not.

00:42:59.615 --> 00:43:00.336
Are some of them great?

00:43:00.336 --> 00:43:01.380
Yes, I see.

00:43:01.380 --> 00:43:02.382
Okay, they're great.

00:43:02.382 --> 00:43:04.927
Most are great superhero movies.

00:43:04.927 --> 00:43:06.682
Some are just plain great movies.

00:43:06.682 --> 00:43:10.599
I think you would be surprised how many of them you would like, but not all.

00:43:10.599 --> 00:43:11.380
There's some flops.

00:43:11.380 --> 00:43:17.643
Some people would disagree with me Thor, the Lost World my God, chris Hemsworth's beautiful to look at, but that movie sucked.

00:43:17.643 --> 00:43:27.242
And there's others as well, and then others that are incredible, but so much of Deadpool worked on so many different levels of it being a good quality film and, yes, because of Ryan Reynolds.

00:43:28.076 --> 00:43:30.402
Can we just talk about Ryan Reynolds for a moment?

00:43:30.402 --> 00:43:34.135
I mean really is the gayest straight man around.

00:43:34.135 --> 00:43:44.364
I mean I think and I say that with the utmost affection for my tribe and for Ryan Reynolds I think he just he's so bitchy funny.

00:43:44.364 --> 00:43:51.867
I mean the fact that he has a dorothy's bornak tank top on, I mean is just so clever, and so it says it all.

00:43:51.867 --> 00:43:53.456
He really is dorothy's bornak.

00:43:53.456 --> 00:43:57.644
He really is, as as a really hot 30 something.

00:43:58.025 --> 00:44:04.878
He's dorothy's bornak in this movie and you know from our discussion earlier, you're not going to get a disagreement for me and you're referring to dorothy.

00:44:04.878 --> 00:44:07.005
You're talking about Bea Arthur on Golden Girls.

00:44:07.255 --> 00:44:14.177
Yes, yes, bea Arthur, he's got the same asides, you know what I mean, the same sarcastic asides, the same takes.

00:44:14.177 --> 00:44:16.219
I mean it's just so funny.

00:44:16.219 --> 00:44:27.458
And Ryan Reynolds, he straddles that world of being just gay enough, but still, you know, but he's, you know, he's married to Blake Lively, he's, you know, heterosexual.

00:44:27.458 --> 00:44:28.943
Fine, that's wonderful.

00:44:28.943 --> 00:44:30.806
But that's what I love about him.

00:44:30.806 --> 00:44:33.221
What I love so appealing about him is because he's so.

00:44:33.221 --> 00:44:44.949
He just straddles that world so well and he doesn't take anything, including himself, seriously and it's just, it's part of his incredible charm as a movie star.

00:44:44.949 --> 00:44:48.945
That's why, when I saw him in A Guy and a Girl and the Pizza Place, you know the guy, the actor that he was in that.

00:44:48.945 --> 00:44:54.822
In that Richard Riccolo was in a movie called All Over the Guy.

00:44:55.324 --> 00:44:58.420
So hot he was fantastic and written by Dan Batinsky.

00:44:58.420 --> 00:45:01.778
And then you know his career was over and he decided to go into porn.

00:45:01.778 --> 00:45:03.362
But you know, more power to him.

00:45:03.362 --> 00:45:05.126
Good for you.

00:45:05.626 --> 00:45:06.688
Ruckalo went into porn.

00:45:08.076 --> 00:45:11.583
Yeah, he did Straight porn, but you know, more power to him.

00:45:11.583 --> 00:45:12.905
That's a career path.

00:45:12.905 --> 00:45:14.148
That's definitely a career path.

00:45:14.148 --> 00:45:25.050
But I think that when I first saw it I don't think that Ryan Reynolds was the first time I saw that show, or I don't know if it was positioned that Ryan Reynolds was going to be this huge movie star.

00:45:25.050 --> 00:45:29.432
I think it was more Richard, but he's just a movie star from the beginning to the end.

00:45:29.873 --> 00:45:34.940
See, when I watched Two Guys and Girls and a Piece of Place, I thought Ryan was supposed to be the hot guy.

00:45:34.940 --> 00:45:39.900
He was funny, but I thought he was supposed to be the hot guy, whereas I felt Richard Reckler was much hotter.

00:45:39.900 --> 00:45:42.824
I felt Ryan was cute, but I would never have said he was sexy.

00:45:42.844 --> 00:45:54.831
They were both very funny, but Richard was definitely positioned as the hunk, you know, and Ryan was kind of the zany I don't want to say Chandler-esque character, but he was a little Matthew Perry Chandler-esque in that show and he still has that.

00:45:54.831 --> 00:46:02.543
The problem is, he's also incredibly good looking and so you can't get mad at the guy.

00:46:02.543 --> 00:46:11.784
You want to get mad at the guy because he's so talented and he's so funny and he's so bright and he's so good looking, but you can't because he's also so self-deprecating.

00:46:11.784 --> 00:46:16.420
And that's in this movie, even though he's in a mask the entire time and you don't see his face.

00:46:16.420 --> 00:46:20.586
That charm comes through that.

00:46:20.586 --> 00:46:22.831
Whatever that is that monogahyde he's in.

00:46:22.831 --> 00:46:24.052
Whatever you call that material, does monogahyde he's in?

00:46:24.052 --> 00:46:26.581
Whatever you call that material, does monogahyde still exist?

00:46:26.581 --> 00:46:27.760
I don't think so, but anyway.

00:46:30.434 --> 00:46:34.166
Monogahyde is still a thing and I only know that because I know people in the furniture manufacturing.

00:46:34.166 --> 00:46:40.628
But I got to say about Ryan nobody should be that good looking, that charming, that sexy.

00:46:40.628 --> 00:46:45.282
Ryan is proof that God is not fair.

00:46:45.282 --> 00:46:48.208
Nobody should have all those qualities.

00:46:48.208 --> 00:46:51.001
Thank God Ryan does, but nobody should.

00:46:51.442 --> 00:46:59.927
Well, we don't know what goes on in the lively Ryan Reynolds household in the Reynolds lively household when doors are closed.

00:46:59.927 --> 00:47:05.137
And also he has that other Ryan to contend with, also from Canada.

00:47:05.137 --> 00:47:09.782
You know who's Oscar nominated and you know I mean Ryan Gosling.

00:47:09.782 --> 00:47:10.519
Yes, I mean.

00:47:10.519 --> 00:47:11.063
So they're both Ryan.

00:47:11.063 --> 00:47:11.730
They're very different.

00:47:11.730 --> 00:47:12.295
They are very different.

00:47:12.295 --> 00:47:13.338
But do you think he gets pissed off?

00:47:13.338 --> 00:47:15.476
Sometimes he's like dude.

00:47:15.476 --> 00:47:18.780
We're both named Ryan, we're both very similar.

00:47:18.780 --> 00:47:20.163
We're both Canadian.

00:47:20.163 --> 00:47:24.367
I mean, it's like what's going on in Canada, by the way?

00:47:24.367 --> 00:47:26.570
I don't know, but I like it.

00:47:26.570 --> 00:47:28.376
Yeah, absolutely.

00:47:28.376 --> 00:47:29.117
In fact, you know what?

00:47:29.117 --> 00:47:36.246
If you Google Ryan Reynolds, you know what comes up right after Ryan Reynolds under people also searched for.

00:47:37.288 --> 00:47:38.130
Ryan Gosling.

00:47:38.130 --> 00:47:41.175
No surprise, no surprise at all.

00:47:42.056 --> 00:47:43.038
He's like his shadow.

00:47:43.038 --> 00:47:44.199
It's very funny.

00:47:44.199 --> 00:47:45.519
It's very funny, it's very funny.

00:47:45.539 --> 00:47:47.702
Here's the thing with the transformation of Ryan Reynolds.

00:47:47.702 --> 00:47:53.027
You know, during Two Guys, a Girl and a Piece of Place he was kind of bigger towards the end but for the most part he was mostly kind of scrawny.

00:47:53.027 --> 00:47:58.775
He was sexy but kind of scrawny, especially for Ryan Reynolds, and then he kind of vanished for a while.

00:47:58.775 --> 00:47:59.516
He did some movies Most Movies.

00:47:59.516 --> 00:48:00.418
Most of them weren't very good.

00:48:00.418 --> 00:48:04.981
He did that really offensive one where he's a fat guy and I don't remember what the whole deal was.

00:48:04.981 --> 00:48:05.842
I don't remember.

00:48:05.882 --> 00:48:06.143

00:48:07.005 --> 00:48:07.244

00:48:07.244 --> 00:48:10.047
But he vanished for a little bit, not too long.

00:48:10.047 --> 00:48:12.570
Then he came back In Blade III.

00:48:12.570 --> 00:48:13.451
He was in that film.

00:48:13.451 --> 00:48:21.677
All of a sudden he comes out and he's wearing this tank top and a beard and his body is just like and there were gasps.

00:48:21.677 --> 00:48:25.161
Everybody's like what happened to Ryan.

00:48:25.280 --> 00:48:26.943
I thought that was Amityville Horror.

00:48:26.943 --> 00:48:31.329
I thought he bulked up for Amityville Horror, or was that before that or after that.

00:48:32.409 --> 00:48:33.050
You may be right.

00:48:33.050 --> 00:48:38.655
I don't know which one was first, if it was Blade III or Amityville Horror.

00:48:38.655 --> 00:48:43.581
Amityville Horror may have been first, but it probably didn't have the impact because the book was good.

00:48:43.581 --> 00:48:50.686
But every movie representation has sucked really bad and that movie was no exception to the rule.

00:48:50.686 --> 00:48:57.672
But I will say it's almost worth going through the pain of watching that movie because Ryan makes it so worth it.

00:48:57.672 --> 00:49:00.704
Yeah, he is shirtless through most of it and he's gorgeous.

00:49:01.014 --> 00:49:02.159
Only horror film I ever liked.

00:49:02.661 --> 00:49:17.983
I'll tell you right now that's not true but, Okay, so let me wrap up really quick how the studio sales went and how Deadpool was not part of the MCU and how it's becoming part of the MCU, because there's things that are interesting happening.

00:49:17.983 --> 00:49:29.789
So in 2008, marvel, when they decided to make their own film, came out with a Hulk movie called the Incredible Hulk and also the very first Iron man movie.

00:49:29.789 --> 00:49:35.525
And those first two movies, specifically Iron man, were the first two of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

00:49:35.525 --> 00:49:36.987
What became part of that whole?

00:49:36.987 --> 00:49:38.110
The Avengers series.

00:49:38.110 --> 00:49:49.045
So in 2009, a year later, because Marvel did so incredibly well in the box office, no surprise to anyone Disney looked over and said ooh, let's buy that studio.

00:49:49.045 --> 00:49:49.766
And they did.

00:49:49.766 --> 00:49:58.510
They bought it for $4 billion, I think, which sounded like a ridiculous amount at the time.

00:49:58.510 --> 00:50:01.164
We now look back and say, wow, that was the deal of the century.

00:50:01.164 --> 00:50:08.621
So Disney was making all the Marvel films while Fox was over there making the X-Men and they started doing Deadpool.

00:50:08.621 --> 00:50:12.925
Well, yes, the mutants and X-Men are part of Marvel too, but not the MCU.

00:50:12.925 --> 00:50:17.005
10 years later, in 2019, disney bought 20th Century Fox.

00:50:17.005 --> 00:50:22.514
Now, they bought it after Deadpool 2 had filmed.

00:50:22.735 --> 00:50:25.063
So everybody was wondering what is Disney?

00:50:25.063 --> 00:50:27.023
Are they going to release a Deadpool movie.

00:50:27.023 --> 00:50:31.264
Are they going to release this graphic, violent, profane movie?

00:50:31.264 --> 00:50:32.748
And they did.

00:50:32.748 --> 00:50:34.657
They released it.

00:50:34.657 --> 00:50:43.483
I think it was under 21st Century Fox Studios or Fox Studios or something of that nature, so they kind of swept it under the rug a little bit.

00:50:43.483 --> 00:50:48.266
They did come out later with a PG version of Deadpool for the kids.

00:50:48.266 --> 00:50:53.365
I don't know how long it was I can't imagine how it could have been more than 11 minutes but they did.

00:50:53.365 --> 00:51:03.724
But we now have Deadpool 3 coming out and everybody's like, okay, deadpool now is going to somehow eventually become part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

00:51:03.724 --> 00:51:06.420
Are they going to let Deadpool be Deadpool?

00:51:06.420 --> 00:51:08.882
And the answer is yes, they will.

00:51:08.882 --> 00:51:10.802
It is coming out as a Marvel film.

00:51:10.802 --> 00:51:14.641
And guess who is co-starring with Ryan Reynolds in Deadpool 3?

00:51:14.641 --> 00:51:18.463
And I'll give you a Negasonic hint Wolverine.

00:51:18.545 --> 00:51:24.885
I was going to say okay, it's got to be Hugh Jackman Bingo yeah of course Now Hugh Jackman Bingo, yeah, of course.

00:51:24.905 --> 00:51:24.967

00:51:24.967 --> 00:51:31.650
Hugh Jackman was done with Wolverine, so he left and, as a result, they killed him off in the last Wolverine movie.

00:51:31.650 --> 00:51:36.059
Oh, that's funny, but comic books are like soap operas and they never really die.

00:51:36.300 --> 00:51:37.822
It's a comic book place, they could do it.

00:51:38.123 --> 00:51:39.146
Well, of course they can.

00:51:39.146 --> 00:51:58.625
Yes, they brought back Bobby Ewing.

00:51:58.625 --> 00:52:00.286
They can bring back Patrick Duffy.

00:52:00.286 --> 00:52:05.815
They In the Deadpool Wolverine trailer because it comes out this July.

00:52:05.815 --> 00:52:09.565
They give you more than a little subtle hint of how it happens.

00:52:09.565 --> 00:52:11.838
So if you don't want to know it all, don't watch it.

00:52:11.838 --> 00:52:13.460
It's funny, but don't watch it.

00:52:13.460 --> 00:52:21.786
So before we go, I have to tie this episode in with last week's episode of Babyface, because we talked about the Hays Code.

00:52:21.786 --> 00:52:27.000
Then this week we're going to talk about did you know that there is the comic book code?

00:52:27.000 --> 00:52:43.434
No, yes, and as I read part of the code, you may or may not be surprised that most of this you have heard before Can't make fun of priests in the comic book code.

00:52:43.434 --> 00:52:48.418
Off the top of my head I don't remember anything about the clergy, but all of this is going to sound familiar.

00:52:48.418 --> 00:52:53.949
People the churches in Congress were getting concerned that comic books were becoming indecent.

00:52:58.835 --> 00:53:00.677
So in 1954, they put together a congressional committee.

00:53:00.677 --> 00:53:11.969
Just like when the studios became concerned about the government taking control of the film industry in censorship, the comic book industry became just as concerned, and so they developed the comic book code.

00:53:11.969 --> 00:53:17.150
They put in charge of the code Charles F Murphy, who was a New York City judge.

00:53:17.150 --> 00:53:25.992
Now I only found this in one source that said he specialized in juvenile delinquency, so I can't say for sure that that is true, but it kind of makes sense.

00:53:25.992 --> 00:53:33.061
Here are some of the code Crime shall never be presented in such a way that presents sympathy for the criminal.

00:53:33.983 --> 00:53:38.137
They should not present the explicit details and methods of the crimes.

00:53:38.137 --> 00:53:42.186
They should not use the term horror or terror in their title.

00:53:42.186 --> 00:53:47.077
All lurid not use the term horror or terror in their title.

00:53:47.077 --> 00:53:48.342
All lurid, unsavory, gruesome illustrations shall be eliminated.

00:53:48.342 --> 00:53:55.603
The inclusion of evil shall only be published with the intent to illustrate a moral issue and in no case shall evil be presented alluringly.

00:53:55.603 --> 00:54:02.983
And of course nudity in any form is prohibited and to illustrate how serious they took this.

00:54:02.983 --> 00:54:13.088
Batman and Catwoman there was always a sexual tension between the two of them, and that was even illustrated in the 1960s Batman series.

00:54:15.295 --> 00:54:16.018
With Adam West.

00:54:16.018 --> 00:54:19.867
Really, you pick up chemistry between the Julie Newmar and Adam West.

00:54:20.576 --> 00:54:22.594
Yes, they actually played it up, watch it.

00:54:23.478 --> 00:54:25.664
Between Robin and Go ahead.

00:54:25.994 --> 00:54:33.233
You know I don't have it handy here, but I actually think in the comics that was addressed, they wanted to make sure it was understood that Robin was not a kept man, I believe.

00:54:33.233 --> 00:54:34.641
So that's very funny.

00:54:34.641 --> 00:54:43.829
But after 1954, in the comic books, they had to do away with that whole sexual tension between Batman and Catwoman, because it put a villain in a good light.

00:54:43.829 --> 00:54:46.722
A villain cannot be attractive, wow.

00:54:46.722 --> 00:54:51.536
So, needless to say, deadpool would never have been made during that time period.

00:54:51.617 --> 00:54:53.083
No, it couldn't have been made pre-code.

00:54:53.083 --> 00:54:54.219
It would have to be pre-code.

00:54:54.599 --> 00:54:59.577
Yeah, he showed up long after I think before the code, it was pretty much open territory.

00:55:00.019 --> 00:55:02.878
That's fascinating, isn't that funny how that ties in.

00:55:03.719 --> 00:55:10.275
And eventually, of course, the comic book code started falling apart, but it really started seeing its death in the 90s, I believe.

00:55:11.094 --> 00:55:11.335

00:55:12.280 --> 00:55:27.385
Yeah, but you know, the comic books had that comic book code seal of approval on the books for a long time after people were laughing at it because it was so meaningless and eventually, without fanfare, it just started vanishing from the covers of comic books.

00:55:27.385 --> 00:55:33.764
There were really only two that stood by it and I wish I could remember what they were.

00:55:33.764 --> 00:55:41.541
I don't, but there were things like Archie Comics or something of that nature, and until 2011, they were there and then they vanished Not the comic books but the seal.

00:55:41.541 --> 00:55:46.525
But hey, now even Archie has gay characters and they're prevalent throughout.

00:55:46.525 --> 00:55:55.688
Superheroes such as in DC and Marvel, I think especially Marvel Right and ones like the mutants are especially popular with gay kids because the mutants are outcasts from society.

00:55:55.688 --> 00:55:57.179
So the kids really connect with them.

00:55:57.358 --> 00:55:58.081
That's amazing.

00:55:58.081 --> 00:55:59.204
Who knew?

00:55:59.204 --> 00:56:01.717
I didn't know this, I didn't know there was also a comic book code.

00:56:01.717 --> 00:56:01.978

00:56:01.978 --> 00:56:04.503
That's what an interesting tie in you just made.

00:56:04.503 --> 00:56:05.826
And we didn't even plan.

00:56:05.826 --> 00:56:09.380
We didn't even plan that, Listener, we didn't plan that, but it happened.

00:56:10.001 --> 00:56:12.876
It wasn't until preparing this that it hit me and I'm like I'm not going to tell Tony.

00:56:12.876 --> 00:56:13.938
So surprise.

00:56:13.938 --> 00:56:18.443
And Tony, I had no idea what to expect of what you would think of Deadpool.

00:56:18.443 --> 00:56:20.507
So I'm very happy to hear that you enjoy it.

00:56:20.527 --> 00:56:31.422
So what's your analysis then, if you're going to as far as Ryan Reynolds films goes, this is a great movie, or that, as far as Marvel films goes, this is a great movie or superhero films.

00:56:32.235 --> 00:56:37.166
My two favorite of the superhero films are Deadpool and Ant-Man.

00:56:37.166 --> 00:56:44.139
I love Ryan Reynolds and I love Paul Rudd, but also because they're very different than the others, they can actually stand alone from the others.

00:56:44.139 --> 00:56:50.378
To answer your very specific question, I think this is the best Ryan Reynolds movie that I can think of.

00:56:50.378 --> 00:56:57.902
It is definitely the best Marvel movie, without a doubt though sometimes it's not fair to compare them and period.

00:56:57.902 --> 00:56:59.947
It is just an outstanding film.

00:56:59.947 --> 00:57:05.927
Now the question is would Deadpool be as outstanding in anyone else's hands?

00:57:05.927 --> 00:57:11.788
It's impossible to know, but it certainly is Ryan Reynolds and it's what makes him a star.

00:57:12.375 --> 00:57:15.943
Yeah, I think it's a perfect marriage of character, actor, writer.

00:57:15.943 --> 00:57:17.226
I really do.

00:57:17.226 --> 00:57:33.637
I think that it's one of those magical moments, if you can call it that, when those elements are just so, it's like a puzzle, and they just fit together so well that it makes it just in its way, in its own way, a perfect movie.

00:57:34.280 --> 00:57:39.076
And again, mr Snooty, film Historian, I'm so pleased you enjoyed it, because I was a little scared you'd hate it.

00:57:39.255 --> 00:57:40.135
Oh, I did hate it.

00:57:40.135 --> 00:57:41.336
Did I give you the wrong impression?

00:57:41.336 --> 00:57:43.958
No, no, I really enjoyed it.

00:57:43.958 --> 00:57:44.579
I really enjoyed it.

00:57:44.579 --> 00:57:47.019
I'm glad if I had to watch one, it would be.

00:57:47.019 --> 00:57:49.322
And I kind of thought when I was Ryan Reynolds I was like you know what?

00:57:49.362 --> 00:57:58.646
I can sit through Ryan Reynolds, because I really do admire him as an actor the relation that this is basically a screwball comedy disguised in a very violent action film.

00:57:58.646 --> 00:58:12.726
You know it just is, so I related to it on that level absolutely once I gave myself over to it.

00:58:12.726 --> 00:58:14.177
It was a fun ride.

00:58:14.237 --> 00:58:22.864
I really enjoyed it and I gotta say I am so glad you opened my eyes to the fact that this is a screwball comedy, because never in a million years would have dawned on me.

00:58:22.864 --> 00:58:24.498
But hearing you say it I'm like my.

00:58:24.498 --> 00:58:25.242
My God, you're right.

00:58:26.606 --> 00:58:26.786

00:58:26.786 --> 00:58:32.646
Well, like what we said about bringing up Baby, is that every single person in this film is insane.

00:58:32.646 --> 00:58:40.420
Every single person in this film and Deadpool is in the same Farce is concerned with itself.

00:58:40.420 --> 00:58:41.364
It doesn't exist.

00:58:41.364 --> 00:58:45.358
It exists in its own world and Deadpool exists in its own world and Deadpool exists in its own world.

00:58:45.358 --> 00:58:54.425
Everybody's in a different world together, and that's why that works, and that's why and that's exactly what screwball comedy is, so it makes perfect sense.

00:58:55.938 --> 00:58:59.000
You are so, so right If they were making screwball comedies today.

00:59:00.242 --> 00:59:01.606
Ryan Reynolds well, he does them, though.

00:59:01.606 --> 00:59:02.106
He does them.

00:59:02.106 --> 00:59:14.896
I mean, they're not total screwballs, but some of the films that he makes with the proposal, things like that there's a level of screwball in them, and he's just the perfect actor for that, and I think he found his perfect part in Deadpool.

00:59:16.280 --> 00:59:24.166
So, Tony, I'm not going to ask if you think people should see this film, because I think we know the answer, but I do want to ask do you think people should rate and review this show?

00:59:24.226 --> 00:59:25.128
No, I don't think they should.

00:59:25.128 --> 00:59:26.599
I think they should leave us alone.

00:59:26.599 --> 00:59:31.181
Of course, please go rate review and see, we're equal opportunity.

00:59:31.181 --> 00:59:33.463
See, I'm watching an action movie.

00:59:33.463 --> 00:59:34.920
Brad watched a pre-code movie.

00:59:34.920 --> 00:59:38.326
See, we're there for everybody.

00:59:38.326 --> 00:59:42.960
We're the podcast for all movie fans and TV fans.

00:59:43.556 --> 00:59:44.800
And we have some TV episodes.

00:59:45.925 --> 01:13:57.444
Thank, you all Rate, review us no-transcript.